Web Analytics

Do you know the origin of your website users? How long do they stay on average and how many pages do they view per session? These and other metrics allow us to collect relevant information about the user of the website, which in turn helps us to tailor the strategy based on the results obtained and to improve the user's browsing experience

Contrary to Outbound Marketing (Traditional Marketing), Inbound Marketing (Digital Marketing), it is possible to analyze, measure and verify the results of ALL the implemented actions! The analysis of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics from the Marketing and Communication Strategy should be analyzed regularly in order to increase the company's revenue and reduce its costs. It is through this reporting that the effectiveness of the effort and investment applied is determined.


  • Socio-demographic data (country, city, language, gender and age)
  • Frequency of Visit (New Visitor or Repeated Visitor)
  • Devices used (desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet)
  • Google Adwords Campaign Results
  • Results of defined objectives
  • Source of social traffic (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.)
  • Most viewed pages (and those that encourage the abandonment of the website) and length of stay
  • Website speed
  • Search terms most used by website visitors


  • Analyze performance of different website pages
  • Identify the path traveled by the user
  • Website Optimization for Search Engines (SEO)
  • Copywriting and content marketing strategy
  • Audience targeting
  • Content Plan Definition
  • Analysis of the most important themes

More than defining and implementing innovative Marketing and Communication Strategies, it is crucial that they meet the needs and objectives of your target audience and for that to happen, you need to analyze, measure, test, re-analyze, measure and test again (this process is called Web Analytics)! In this way, it is possible to improve the performance of the website or web page and to promote the desired results.

And you, have you analyzed the results and defined the most successful strategy to reach your target ?!