Elements and Features that Make a Difference on a Website - Part II

22 Jun, 2016 09:00

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In the article "Elements and Features that Make a Difference on a Website - Part I" we talked about the burger menu, form registration through social networks, sans serif font, long scroll, and large high resolution and quality. And as we promised, today we will introduce you to the remaining features and elements that contribute to your better website. However, having a better website does not mean having ALL the features and elements that we presents here, but those that will benefit and meet the needs and goals of your website and business!


Do you know how to keep the user more time on your website?! We have the answer! Often used to create a different navigation experience, Parallax creates the illusion of 3D depth within a website or page by moving the background images more slowly compared to the content presented in the foreground.

It is a technique that uses several layers of images or graphic elements (text, images, background) that move at different speeds, capturing the user's attention to a storytelling that unfolds along the scroll. In this way, this will have more interest in continuing to interact with the page and consequently, remains longer in it!


As the name implies, "Flat Design" is distinguished by its flat shapes, with few effects, clean and direct to the objective, highlighting the content presented through buttons or icons. Flat Design focuses mainly on the Simple elements, Typography, Color, and Minimalism, if this is not a technique associated with "Keep It Simple"!

Flat Design


With the breadth of mobile equipment available on the market, users are getting faster, more informed and demanding, so websites must be equally fast (or more!) and have a simple and functional layout.

But do you know why speed is so important? For the users, waiting is a waste of time and having patience is not at all a virtue! So, never make them wait longer than 10 seconds, otherwise, they will quickly switch your website to one of your competitors.


Adapted to various mobile devices, the responsive (or responsive) layout adjusts the contents of the website so that they are shown to the best of the user, modifying or even hiding some work areas so that the message always appears on the screen. If it was once considered a trend, nowadays it's a good (and mandatory!) online practice!


After Apps use motion to improve the user experience, it's the turn of websites to do the same! The animations, besides highlighting the entire website, have more content in less space, and therefore an added value for companies. They enhance the user's browsing experience by providing moments of interaction and entertainment that will subsequently increase the level of engagement with the brand and its products/services.



Daily we are faced with small moments that can be a business opportunity for several companies! But what are we talking about? It's simple! We talk about that moment when he does a like in a photo of Facebook, in which he sees the advertising campaign that happens on TV, in which he looks for information about the product that he is going to buy. All of these actions are considered Microexperiences and replace the more complex actions to be performed on a website, improving the points of interaction with the user (touch points).

It's finally your turn to have the website you've always dreamed of, retain more visitors, and increase your company revenue! Share with us your idea and know what we can do for you through geral@double.pt

#Double #DoubleOfBusiness #DigitalAgency


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