Requirement Listing

This will be our first contact as Digital Agency, where we collect information about your business, identify the needs and define objectives, be they development, design or communication.

LISTENING is the verb, AGENCY the direct complement and CLIENT the subject and it is after a good coffee with biscuits that everything begins.

We listen you carefully while you share your story, your company/ brand, indicate what you are looking for and what are the goals, what results you expect and what investment you intend to make.

Its at this stage that we establish the first contact and we become fascinated with your product/ service. The questions, although extensive and technical, are part of the process and it will be way through that we will define the path for your business. At the same time, we analyze the feasibility of the requirements as well as the priorities and verify that the requirements are completed and according to what you want for your company.

It is a procedure that can be performed throughout the various phases of the project, with a recommended interval of 15 or 30 days interval, depending on the purpose of the project.

Lets transform the needs of your business into opportunities and present innovative solutions to the market ?!