
From the latin "conceptus", it means "conceived thing" or "formed in the mind," an idea or opinion on a particular theme, often resulting in a reputation or mental symbol, which expresses the qualities of something or object.

Transversal to the different areas of activity of the company, the Concept is something subjective that presents concrete results and its definition is the moment in which the key issue/ problem presented is solved. The conditions of the problem become concrete objectives and their constraints, define the parameters through which the project will be developed, going through four phases:

  • Idealization: once the briefing is received, we conducted a Brainstorming with the whole team in order to collect different ideas and possible solutions to the need presented.
  • Selection: are exposed the best ideas and most viable solutions are exposed, which will guarantee the success of the new project. From here, the Action Plan is outlined to begin the work.
  • Implementation: finally the project becomes real! Its prototypes and/ or mockups of  are started, as defined in the previous step.
  • Evaluation: once the project is finished, several tests are carried out and the respective improvements are carried out, if necessary. Although evaluation is the last phase of concept definition, this does not mean that the process is over, as new ideas and/ or requirements may arise.

Consequently, the key issue or problem has been solved by words or visual elements.