Strong Hearts Sport


Development of Rugby Plans for all ages, from Sub 3 to Seniors.


Contrary to what you might think, Rugby is not a violent sport, but a contact game, enjoyed by various age groups. Strong Hearts Sport in Brisbane, focuses primarily on younger athletes from 2 to 6, fostering team spirit, friendship, leadership, trust, respect, humility, social inclusion and dedication.

Through innovative programs tailored to the different age groups, SHS maximizes students learning potential on a physical and social level, enhancing their skills and confidence.


Since Strong Hearts Sport's main target is children, it wanted a lively and fun but professional website at the same time that represented the values of the brand. Because that would be the parents who would do the child's enrollment.

But SHS also wanted a Reserved Area, where its athletes and professionals could consult the activities and programs scheduled in the calendar.


Desenvolvemos um Website destinado ao mercado Australiano, com grande destaque para as atividades e programas de treino destinados aos mais novos, que conta com uma Área Pessoal, Páginas de detalhe e uma Hero Section representativa. 

We have developed a website for Australian market, that highlights activities and training programs for the youngest people, which has a Personal Area, Detail Pages and a representative Hero Section.