Value, promise, quality, safety, service, price, comfort, respect, trust, knowledge, sympathy, flexibility, status, feedback, habit are some of the reasons why consumers buy. However, you have certainly noticed that some of your consumers buy, recommend, give feedback and influence friends and family to buy through word-of-mouth. This group of consumers is the Brand Lovers, who really like you, like your brand and your products or services! Generally, they have a significant emotional relationship with the brand, being true supporters of it, even assuming that "that" brand is the best and the only one that they buy.
Do you know that these consumers could double the profits of your company?! That because they are loyal to the brand, they buy 5 times more than a new customer?!
It is a niche market that increases word of mouth and likelihood of purchase since it creates and attracts interest in new consumers (which for itself, as a company, represents a channel of spontaneous and trustworthy communication). Which in turn, will give greater visibility and notoriety to your company, regardless of the size of it. As loyal fans of the brand, they allow you to distinguish your brand in the marketplace, make your competition irrelevant and create a group of followers who trust, buy and contribute to the growth of your business.
But have you ever wondered what it will take for your company to have Brand Lovers? To do this, it is necessary to implement some actions, namely at the level of product quality and the manufacturing or production process, personalized service (treating the customer by name), service per se and brand communication. Firstly, it should define the strategy of Inbound Marketing valuing mainly the content, since the consumer is no longer just the recipient of the message and has become the medium and the message as well. The content must be generated and published frequently to feed the knowledge need of this target and the brand must provide a unique experience to the client, allowing him to easily identify with the values and culture of the company and brand.
With social media evolution, the consumer now has access to insider information about products before purchasing them, taking a leading role in the power and ease of online dialogue. In doing so, their intentions, desires and consumption needs are more evident for brands. In this way, brands can more easily define the aspects that influence the purchase, such as quality, price, distribution and the way it is presented to the market (Marketing Mix variables). Immediately, the strategy for the Brand Lovers market is defined, which aims to guarantee the long-term profitability of the company and a growth of sales taking into account the best consumers of the brand. Because as in a relationship, it is important to foster dialogue with the client and dedicate time to it, thus increasing customer satisfaction (pleasing your client and showing concern for the client, is a good principle).
There are three types of Brand Lovers that can be easily identified:
- The 100% loyal to the brand that disseminate it through the various communication channels (online and offline);
- Those who buy products/services that are more expensive than the others in the market, because of the brand and follow it in social networks, forums and blog;
- And the pro-active! Not as common as the previous ones, but with greater power of influence, since they create blogs and online communities of support to the brand. But they take ownership of the brand in such a way, that they act as owners of it. However, you can take advantage of this fact and invite them to participate in satisfaction surveys, interviews or events;
For any one of them, it must foster new achievements, maintain the link, pay attention and solve their problems or needs. Although, you should first identify which Brand Lovers you are communicating with to adapt your communication and branding strategy.
Does your brand already have a followers legion?! What is the feedback of your Brand Lovers? We want to know your opinion! ;)
#Double #DoubleLove #DoubleSmile